MAP stands for Motivate, Act, and Promote. These three concepts are key when it comes to adult educators who need not only to motivate adults to get involved in lifelong learning, but also to implement quality-training activities often addressing audiences that are most of the time difficult to reach: adults with low educational attainment, immigrants, long-term unemployed and people aged over 45...
Nowadays educators are required to have the ability to embed digital practices in their educational programmes and educational managers to invest resources in introducing digital technologies in their training offer. Unfortunately, this is not always the case due to a lack of digital skills or knowledge of suitable tools for teaching adults with low educational attainment. Sometimes educational centres are unsure about the kinds of resources they need in order to modernise their training offer.
Take this opportunity and join a community that will empower you to innovate your ways of teaching by embedding new digital practice and blending your delivery methods and learning resources.
Browse through our website and find out all this project has to offer you: from a “train the trainer” course or a handbook for educational managers to a tool bank with all the resources you may need.
Browse through our training offer and consider which modules will suit your needs and interests. You will be able to learn how to adapt your learning activities to a blended format or to create them from scratch fit for the digital era.
Browse through our tool bank and find out about good cases of motivational practices to encourage adult learners to enter and stay in long-life eduction; activities for blended training sessions, and some examples of effective campaigns to promote informal training activities!
Find out which platforms are the most suitable for you, which ones are the most useful for each target group and learn about many other tools and strategies you can use to reach your audience of learners.
Explore all MAP dissemination activities and materials. Stay tuned and follow us on all our social media channels!
The project was launched online in November 2020 and partners organized two online meetings in separate days in order to have time to prepare for the next sessions. This meetings were essential towards a common understanding of the project idea and aims and helped partners clarify what the first steps and activities of the project were.
Agenda PhotosThe second meeting of the project took place in Lecco, Italy, in October 2021 in a hybrid mode, so that all partners could participate regardless COVID 19 restrictions in their countries. At the meeting, they reviewed all modules of the course for educators and started planning the development of a Digital Handbook. They also dedicated some time to plan the upcoming dissemination and promotion activities of project.
Agenda PhotosThe third transnational partner meeting took place in parallel to the Training Activity, also in Sofia, and was organised in a hybrid mode. Partners discussed had the opportunity to discuss the sessions that trainers had prepared for the LTTA; to talk about the piloting of the train the trainer blended course; and to set deadlines about the development of the last project materials.
Agenda PhotosAt the end of January, a three-day Learning, Teaching, Training Activity was organized for trainers, teachers, and education managers.
Once again, due to the pandemic only some members of the partnership could meet in person in Sofia, while the other trainers presented their modules via Zoom. The participants were updated on the digital skills applied to teaching and the strategies for motivating and involving vulnerable adult students.
Agenda PhotosOn 18th and 19th October took place the fourth and last Transnational Project Meeting of the MAP project. It was an important occasion for the partners to exchange views about the work done so far. Moreover, they discussed the last actions to be taken before the end of the project that will occur at the end of October, including the organisation of the Multiplier Events in Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and Bulgaria.
Agenda Photos